Gemstone Gallery       Rough Gallery       Specimen Gallery       Jewelry Gallery
Thank you for visiting our

Fire Agate

Gallery. These select

fire agate gems

, pieces of

fire agate rough

, unique fire agate mineral specimens and lovely fire agate jewelry creations contain fire agate gemstones from locations such as Slaughter Mountain Arizona, Deer Creek Arizona, Oatman Arizona, Opal Hill California, Saddle Mountain Arizona, and several of the fire agate gemstone mines located in Mexico such as Calvillo and Negrita. Many of these items are in our personal collection and others have been sold by Fire Agate US to private individuals. We will be adding gallery pages throughout the year for your viewing pleasure so please check back often to see the latest additions.
Image Fire Agate Gemstone Gallery
Gem Gallery
Image Slaughter Mountain Fire Agate Gemstone SLG066
Image Slaughter Mountain Fire Agate Gemstone SLG024

Image Fire Agate Rough Gallery
Rough Gallery
Image Slaughter Mountain Arizona Fire Agate Rough Preform Cabochon FG007
Image Arizona Fire Agate Gemstone Rough FAR262
FAR202 SLR179

Image Fire Agate Mineral Specimen Gallery
Specimen Gallery
Image Arizona Fire Agate Gemstone Mineral Specimen FAR261
SLM016 SLM029 SLM036

Image Fire Agate Jewelry Gallery
Jewelry Gallery
DCJ001 DCJ004 MCJ008

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